Agder county municipality

Together, we will develop Agder into an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable region in 2030 - an attractive low-emission society with good living conditions!
ALV-Møre og Romsdal

Through co-creation between different social actors, ALV contributes to building and disseminating knowledge about welfare technology and service innovation.
Bergen municipality

Bergen is the capital of Western Norway, the center of the world's foremost marine region, has Norway's highest density of business clusters and is a popular tourist destination.
Digi Rogaland

Digi Rogaland er et regionalt samarbeid mellom 20 rogalandskommuner og Rogaland fylkeskommune. Vi skal sikre at regionens innbyggere får tilgang til gode digitale innbyggertjenester uavhengig av hvilke kommune man bor i.
E-health Vestland

We will establish Vestland as a power region for the use of technology in health and care services.
Directorate for e-Health

We will contribute to joint efforts and national management of ICT development in the sector. We establish standards and manage national e-health solutions.
Eigersund municipality

Eigersund is a municipality in Rogaland, in the southwest.
Gjesdal municipality

Gjesdal municipality is a mountain and inland settlement located in the transition between Jæren, Dalane and Ryfylke, approx. 30 km southeast of Stavanger.
Hå municipality

Hå is the largest agricultural municipality in Norway. About half of the area in the municipality is used for agricultural purposes.
Haraldsplass diakonale sykehus as

Haraldsplass Diakonale Sykehus AS er et av tre store private, ideelle sykehus i Norge. Sykehuset er en viktig del av det offentlige helsetilbudet gjennom driftsavtale med Helse Vest RHF
Helgelandssykehuset HF

Helgeland Hospital Trust is currently comprising three hospitals in the towns of Mo i Rana, Mosjøen and Sandnessjøen, and a smaller district medical centre located in Brønnøysund
Helse Bergen HF, Haukeland Universitetssjukehus

Helse Bergen HF er regionssjukehuset for region Vest og er eit av seks universitetssjukehus i Noreg
Health Førde

Health Førde focused on innovation and co-creation for the benefit of patients and staff.
Health Stavanger HF

Stavanger University Hospital (SuS) is one of the country's six university hospitals.
Health West RHF

Health West RHF will develop the patient's health service and contribute to Norway being among the leading countries in research, innovation and technology.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health

The Norwegian Directorate of Health aims to better the quality in the health service and to promote factors that bring good health to the population.
The Health Innovation Center

The Health Innovation Center is a competence environment for health innovation, with a focus on research and collaboration.
Klepp municipality

Klepp is an agricultural municipality on Jæren in Rogaland.
The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS)

The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS) is the organisation for all local governments in Norway. KS is Norway’s largest public employer organisation.
Lists Health Network

Health is the theme for an important collaboration between the municipalities in Lister.

Unified service that will contribute to social and economic security and promote the transition to work and active activities.

Patentstyret er et nasjonalt senter for immaterielle rettigheter og verdier. Vi fremmer innovasjon og verdiskaping i næringslivet og samfunnet
Randaberg municipality

The municipality is located as the northern tip of Jæren, with Stavanger as its nearest neighbor.
Rogaland County Municipality

Rogaland County Municipality contributes to the development of a county that is good to live, work and live in for everyone.
Sandnes municipality

Sandnes is a town and municipality in Rogaland.
Senteret for et aldersvennlig Norge

Senteret for et aldersvennlig Norge er et nasjonalt kompetansemiljø som arbeider for å fremme arbeidet med å skape et mer aldersvennlig samfunn i et bærekraftperspektiv.
Sola municipality

Sola municipality is located north of Jæren, by Hafrsfjord.
Sørlandet Sykehus HF

Sørlandet sykehus - spesialisthelsetjenesten i Agder
Stavanger municipality

Stavanger has 144,223 inhabitants (1st quarter 2021). Stavanger municipality is located in Rogaland county.
Strand municipality

A Ryfylke municipality with a short way to Stavanger and north Jæren.
Time municipality

Time is a municipality in Rogaland located in the middle of Jæren.
Development center for nursing homes and home services - Møre og Romsdal

The development center for nursing homes and home services in Møre og Romsdal has Ålesund as host municipality, and has connected itself to Kristiansund municipality as satellite.
Vaksdal municipality

Vaksdal municipality is centrally located in Vestland county between Bergen and Voss.