Abelia is the business association of Norwegian knowledge and technology based enterprises.
www.abelia.no/Western Norway is Norway's largest growth engine, and the region plays a critically important role in the extensive restructuring that our country is now facing.
www.agendavestlandet.no/Alrek health cluster will create innovative health and care solutions for the whole person, with the help of outstanding research and education, full-fledged practice arenas and interdisciplinary collaboration.
www.uib.no/alrekhelseklyngeVilVite is a popular science experience and learning center within mathematics, science and technology. The aim is to increase knowledge of the MNT subjects and to inspire young people to choose the subjects as an educational path.
www.vilvite.noWe work to create conditions for the entire region's business community by assisting with knowledge, contacts and arenas for collaboration. Business Region Gothenburg is responsible for business development in the City of Gothenburg.
www.businessregiongoteborg.se/svOur vision is to be a community builder. Connect Vest will contribute to jobs and development of tomorrow's business life in Western Norway within a sustainable framework.
connectvest.no/Makerspace and rapid prototyping workshop for the greater Stavanger region
www.creator.no/Welfare Tech is a Danish national cluster and hub for innovation and business development in healthcare, homecare and social services.
www.danishlifesciencecluster.dk/Digin is a leading ICT cluster in Sørlandet with over 90 member companies. The vision is to make Sørlandet the best in digital solutions.
www.digin.no/ForHelse's goal is that by 2025 the use of digital psychological interventions will have increased to 15% and by 2030 to 20%.
www.forhelse.noHadean Ventures is a life science fund manager that invests in life science companies across Europe with a particular focus on the Nordic region.
hadeanventures.com/HelseCampus Stavanger is the hub of a regional research-based health cluster with the goal of becoming the country's foremost arena within simulation-based teaching and learning, as well as innovations within the health and care services.
www.uis.no/samfunn-og-samarbeid/helsecampus/Helseinn is a cluster organisation working to promote co-creation and innovation processes for better public health and more sustainable health services.
helseinn.net/We contribute to innovation and product / service development for private and public enterprises in the health and social sector, with special focus on e-health.
www.i4helse.no/Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government's most important instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry.
www.innovasjonnorge.no/Inovacare is an innovation arena that contributes to the development and use of sustainable solutions in the health and care sector.
www.inovacare.no/Invest in Bergen is the official organization for investments in Greater Bergen
www.investinbergen.com/Kunnskapsparken Vestland legger til rette for sterke innovasjonsmiljø og øker vekstkraft i nye og eksisterende bedrifter i Vestland.
www.kpvest.noLongship is a private equity investor targeting medium sized growth companies in Norway.
www.longship.no/Melanor is the industry organization for competence companies that develop and supply medical equipment, laboratory equipment, measuring equipment and aids in the Norwegian market.
www.melanor.no/nb/The Stavanger Chamber of Commerce is Norway's largest chamber and business organisation.
www.naeringsforeningen.no/Neuro-SysMed is a center for clinical treatment of, and research on, neurological diseases.
neuro-sysmed.no/Joining forces to create better, more sustainable cities and communities for people to live and work.
www.nordicedgecluster.org/We will contribute to better, increased and simpler interaction between the public and private sectors. We do this by establishing and supporting meeting places for sharing and innovation that are characterized by neutrality and high quality.
www.norstella.no/Our mission is to improve quality in treatment and care by developing and industrializing world class health solutions through our members and eco-system.
www.norwayhealthtech.com/nb/The Norwegian Cognitive Center builds competence on AI across industries and public sector, where we provide infrastructure in terms of personnel, know-how and AI platforms.
norwegiancognitivecenter.com/Norway's leading network for innovation professionals
www.openinnovationlab.no/KORFOR conducts research and professional development, network building and teaching in the field of intoxicants in Health West.
www.helse-stavanger.no/no/OmOss/Avdelinger/regionalt-kompetansesenter-for-rusmiddelforskning/Sider/default.aspxThe county governor is the state's representative in the county and works to ensure that the Storting's and the government's decisions are followed up in Rogaland.
www.fylkesmannen.no/Rogaland/Trondheim Tech port skal øke innovasjonskraften i Norge gjennom tettere samarbeid med utgangspunkt i aktørene i Trøndelag.
www.trondheimtechport.no/Vitalis is the Nordic region's leading conference and trade fair on eHealth and the care and care of the future.
www.vitalis.nu/Women in Life Science Norway (WiLD Norway) is a network for professional exchange dedicated to empowering women in the Norwegian health & life science ecosystem.