
Gaute Moldestad


We facilitate innovation by building, owning and developing infrastructure for innovation.

Siva - The company for industrial growth SF was established in 1968 and is part of the business-oriented policy apparatus. Siva is the state's tool for facilitating ownership and development of companies and the business and knowledge environment throughout the country, with a special responsibility for promoting the growth power in the districts. The main goal is to trigger profitable business development in companies and regional business and knowledge environments.

Siva has two sub-goals:

  1. Through its real estate investments, Siva will lower barriers to establishment where market mechanisms make this particularly demanding, also for larger industrial real estate projects.
  2. Siva's innovation activities will facilitate the establishment and development of companies in the business and knowledge environment, and connect these in regional, national and international networks.

The innovation activity is financed with grants from the state budget. The real estate business is self-financing and has requirements for financial returns.

Fornyet tillit til klyngen

Innovasjon Norge, Forskningsrådet og Siva gir Norwegian Smart Care Cluster to nye år i klyngeprogrammet Arena.

Arild Kristensen


Helseklyngen rykker opp på A-laget

Norwegian Smart Care Cluster får fem nye år i klyngeprogrammet til Innovasjon Norge, SIVA og Norges forskningsråd, og rykker opp i ArenaPro-ligaen

Arena Pro Nscc 1
