Direktoratet for e-helse


Directorate for e-Health

We will contribute to joint efforts and national management of ICT development in the sector. We establish standards and manage national e-health solutions.

Established 01.01.2016

  • Professional directorate and government agency
  • Subject to the Ministry of Health and Care Services
  • Formed on the basis of the e-health division in the Norwegian Directorate of Health

We have two main tasks

  • To ensure national management and coordination in collaboration with health trusts, municipalities, professional communities and interest organizations
  • To realize and manage digital solutions that improve and simplify the health and care sector

Our social mission

  • To contribute to one comprehensive and knowledge-based health and care service that utilizes the technological opportunities and involves residents to contribute to better health, better results of health care and better utilization of capacity.

Directorate and authority

We want to be a driving force for good e-health solutions.

As a national authority and professional body, we have a responsibility to:

  • Implement policies in the e-health area
  • Ensure that national governance models work
  • Maintain secretarial function for national e-health forums
  • Provide professional advice and interpretations of the law
  • Carry out national assessment assignments and analyzes within e-health
  • Prepare and follow up national action plans for e-health
  • Establish standards and norms
  • Develop and manage coding systems, terminology and ICT standards
  • Develop, implement and manage national e-health solutions such as e-prescription and core medical records
  • Ensure cross-sectoral and international cooperation in the ICT area in the health and care sector
  • Participate in the work on national security infrastructure (NSI)
