Varda Care
Etablert/Established: 2020
Produkt: Sensorteknologi i møbler som måler dine helsedata, sender disse til vår skyløsning for behandling og presenterer resultatet i en mobilapplikasjon.
Product: Health sensor technology in furniture. Our sensor collect data on five health parameters, transfer these to our cloud for analysis and present the results in a mobile application. These parameters are measured continuously, without you even noticing.
Varda Care gives you knowledge about your own health without you even noticing.
Smart Furniture
Innovative sensor technology in furniture continuously measures key health parameters. Secure and simple – straight from your favorite chair. What makes Varda Care unique is that our solution can be easily integrated in everyday products like furniture, mattresses and children’s goods. The sensor is easily integrated into the furniture without affecting functions, design or the sitting comfort.
How does it work?
Varda Care's technology is installed in chairs and mattresses from Norway's leading furniture manufacturers.
The sensor measures five important health values every five seconds without you even noticing.
A user-friendly app gives you an overview and history of your health condition and alerts you of abnormally high or low values. The app can notify you, relatives or other caregivers.
Five health parameters
Our sensor collect data on five health parameters, transfer these to our cloud for analysis and present the results in a mobile application. These parameters are measured continuously, without you even noticing.
Who is it for?
Our goal is to provide knowledge and peace of mind. Not just for your own health, but for the health of your family and your loved ones.
The technology and the algorithms are advanced but our solutions is simple. We call it Everyday Technology.
Read more about the solution on our website.