Åpent møte
oktober 2020
Are we creating tomorrows health care solutions for the end users in a responsible way? What kind of health care solutions are needed and wanted by the users?
What is happening? Webinar about: “the power of the user”
When? 15th of October, 10:30 – 12:00
(You will get a link after you sign up)
Together with ECHAlliance the cluster Norwegian Smart Care Cluster will seek the answers to these questions.
READ MORE: Meet our new Collaboration partner ECHAlliance
Join us in this webinar the 15th of October. You will be introduced to the hosts Norwegian Smart Care Cluster and their partner ECHAlliance. This webinar can change the way you look at the process of developing solutions for health care. Ask your self this question: Who should have something to say in the development of tomorrows health care solutions?
The cluster is participating in an interesting project where scientist are looking into these questions. The project is named: “Releasing the power of the user: articulating user interest to accelerate new innovative pathways in digital health and welfare sector”. And you should not miss the chance to hear Tatiana and John share their knowledge about the topic. Tatiana Iakovleva is Professor within Stavanger Business Schooland John Bessant is professor in Exeter University.
Norwegian Smart Care Lab (NSCL) tests and verifies products, prototypes and ideas for the health industry. They know what is required and understand the challenges and the needs of the provider, the health service, and the user. Marit Hagland, leader of the Lab, will tell us more about how the Lab is organized, projects and future plans.
Finally, we will hear from some of the companies that are members in the cluster. They stand for the development of amazing products and solutions.
Additional information
Andy Bleaden, ECHAlliance, has had long career in both funding and social care going back over 25 years and has been recently working in Greater Manchester at Stockport where he specialised in Adult Social Care, Robotics, Telehealth and Telemedicine, Regeneration and Dementia. He also formed alliances with pan European groups most recently with the EIP-AHA, Coral and Covenant for Demographic Change.
In addition, he has also been working as an External Expert for the European Commission since 2013 and also with the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) on the new Health KIC and also working for the new Urban Innovation Actions as an expert.
He brings a wealth of experience and skills in securing and management of strategic external funding, procurement, innovation funding and forming and development large and complex partnerships across Europe.
Professor John Bessant, BSc., PhD.
Originally a chemical engineer, John Bessant has been active in the field of research and consultancy in technology and innovation management for over 35 years. He is currently holds the Chair in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter and has visiting appointments at the universities of Erlangen- Nuremburg and Queensland University of Technology as well as in University of Stavanger.
In 2003 he was elected a Fellow of the British Academy of Management and in 2015 a Fellow of the International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM). He has acted as advisor to various national governments, international bodies (including the United Nations,World Bank and OECD) and to many public and private sector organizations. He is the author of 30 books and many articles on the topic and has lectured and consulted widely around the world.
See www.johnbessant.org for more details.
Tatiana Iakovleva
Holds a Professor of Entrepreneurship in Stavanger Business School, Stavanger Center for Innovation Research, University of Stavanger, Norway. She received her Ph.D. in Management from Bode Graduate School of Business, Norway (2007), with focus on Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
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