Meet the EU Team

Meet the EU Team

Accessing information on EU funding can be a difficult and daunting task because the EU provides funding for a broad range of projects and programs that cover various areas. So, how do you find your way?

Thanks to a grant from Innovation Norway, Norway Health Tech and Norwegian Smart Care Cluster members now benefit from the support of two experts in the field of EU Funding: Mara Diaconu, Senior EU Advisor and Sergio Ferreira, Senior Innovation Advisor.

Having access to a specialist to help you secure funding when an opportunity arises or to even create one in the first place, is the first step towards your success in acquiring EU funding.

“One of the keys for success in EU funding is matching your project, your idea with the right grants programme, calls scope and to the corresponding expected impact. We are here to support your organisation grow with EU Funding.”, says Mara who has over 10 years expertise with EU funding.

Horizon Europe, will fund focused novel research and innovation projects for both public and private sector organizations on individual and collaborative projects that align with European Commission strategies, missions, and partnerships. Horizon Europe will finance thousands of research and innovation projects every year up to 2027 in all strategic areas, including health, climate change, mobility, agriculture, energy, culture, and many others.

“Horizon Europe is the most ambitious research and innovation programme in the world with a budget of 95.5 billion euro! Let us join forces, investment and ideas for making research and innovation the driving force of our future”, Mariya Gabriel - European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth at Launch of Horizon Europe on 2nd February.

“We are not writing grant applications for you; we are writing them with you!” says Sergio whose expertise is on supporting businesses in acquiring and running EU funded projects. This co-development is fundamental to ensure there is a very good alignment of the grant you are applying for and the strategy of your company. EU Grants should not come as an addition to your business but rather as an opportunity to speed up your innovation journey and bring you closer to the market.

Industry, public sector, universities, and citizens will participate in co-developing joint strategic innovation and research agendas. The team is now preparing various events, workshops, and training materials for the coming months.

If you are a member of one of the two clusters and want to be part of the next cohort, get your ideas funded, and get one step closer to launch your product to market, contact us for a meeting. And if you are not a member maybe it is time to think about becoming one and have access to variety of services on top of the EU Funding support.
