Vilje Bionics AS

Saeid Hosseini

Vilje Bionics AS

Vilje Bionics is a tech-startup with a passion and a strong will for empowering disabled individuals using innovative technology.

We develop a robotic exoskeleton for patients with motor impairment in arms and hands. This exoskeleton allows the user to move their shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, gaining more independence, and a higher quality of life, and will be the first in the world of its kind. By making the user more independent in everyday life, the aid will ease the workload on relatives and the healthcare service, while increasing the self-esteem of users who want to be as self-reliant as possible.

The company was founded based on a project started by engineer Mangor Lien and his brother, Professor Terje Kristoffer Lien. In 2015, Mangor was diagnosed with ALS, a motor neuron disease that paralyzed his arms. As a result, he could no longer perform everyday activities such as eating, drinking or perform personal care. Mangor found no suitable assistive devices to compensate for his loss of function and decided to create his own with the help from his brother Terje a retired professor in robotics from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). To further develop and commercialize the aid, a group of students from NTNU school of entrepreneurship were engaged. Today, Vilje Bionics is run by an interdisciplinary and versatile team with background from NTNU, KTH in Stockholm, BI and ETH Zürich.


Når robotikk skaper bedre liv

Denne historien er nesten litt magisk. Den handler om å gi mennesker med lammelser i armene muligheten til å bevege seg. Magien skaper Vilje Bionics ved hjelp av robotikk.

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