Mio Gruppen


Ragnhild Aase
400 47 640

Mio Group

Mio is one of Norway's largest providers of home nursing, home help and user-controlled personal assistance (BPA). We offer a wide range of services to young seniors, the elderly and people with disabilities.

Mio family

Mio consists of a family of over 400 warm people, who have a genuine desire to help give people a better life. We are 100 percent Norwegian-owned and are present in all the major cities in Norway.

Our vision is to give people a better life.

Our services

In the last 20 years, we have developed a number of services and offers for the elderly and people with a disability. Today, we provide user-controlled personal assistance (BPA), home help (practical assistance), home nursing and other services that our customers may need. We also have a nice senior guest house in Moss.

We are approved as a provider of free user choice for practical assistance in Drammen, Tønsberg, Ullensaker, Kristiansand, Stavanger and Bergen. For BPA we are approved for approx. 100 municipalities.

We have a genuine desire to give others a good life

Our vision is to give people a better life. Every single day we give people a safer, more meaningful and better life. We are committed to being a quality leader in what we do and provide our customers with the best service. Everyone in Mio must live by our core values, which are respectful, reliable and courageous.

Everyone deserves the freedom to live as they please. We must be there for the customer and help them have a better life.


Konsernbyggeren innen omsorgstjenester

Arve Kambe har avsluttet et travelt liv som stortingsrepresentant, men haugesunderen er ikke ferdig med å gjøre samfunnstjeneste. – Det er så himla gøy å etablere arbeidsplasser og samtidig gjøre noe samfunnsnyttig, sier Kambe.

Arve Kambe 1
