
Endre Valdersnes


We build Welfare with IT

Atea Welfare is a national focus area, we must be a system integrator - think holistically, be at the forefront and put solutions in the system for the municipalities.

The technology and solutions will provide:

  • Increased quality of life, dignity and coping for the citizen (user)
  • Increased capacity and efficiency for healthcare professionals
  • Increased security for relatives

This contributes to increased gains for the municipalities.

We have connected with a number of subcontractors within the area, and deliver a platform for welfare technology that ensures comprehensive solutions across various services and systems. This provides joint administration and ensures future development.

The municipality is building a platform for the future, which connects institutions, care and private homes. This is a future-oriented solution that can be integrated with leading solutions in the market. The platform is manufacturer-independent, so that new solutions for welfare technology can be linked to as they are developed.

Atea inn i klyngen

Atea er nytt medlem i Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) og fellesmøtet 20. oktober blir derfor slått sammen med Atea Community – Norges største IT-konferanse.

Atea Tv Anetter Hettervik
