
Åpent møte


oktober 2024

Demo Days for Norwegian & British Health Tech Companies in Oslo

Norway Health Tech together with the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Innovation Norway, The Norwegian Embassy in London is organizing two Health Demo Days at the Norwegian Ambassador’s Residence in London and at Oslo Science Park in Oslo.

The second Demo Day will take place in Oslo, on 29th October 2024 and will be followed by a sight visit day on the 30rd of October 2024.

Tentative Agenda

DAY 1 – 29 October 2024

Location: Health2B, Oslo Science Park, Norway

14:00 – Welcome

14:10 – Start presentations

About 4 speakers, 2 from each country, about 10-15 min each

15:00 – 10-15 min break

15:15 – Exhibition, 4 British and 4 Norwegian health tech companies

16:00 Networking and mingling

Until 17:00

19:00 Dinner TBC

Price for exhibiting: 1,500 NOK per company

DAY 2 – 30 October 2024

Will be dedicated to sight visits – hospitals/healthcare institutions in and around Oslo. Open for British and Norwegian participants.

Exact programme to be decided.

What and Who?

These networking and demonstration days will offer opportunities for mutual knowledge sharing, reflection, discussion, and networking from British/Norwegian suppliers, innovative solutions and networks.

In London and Oslo, British and Norwegian smart hospitals and digital home monitoring services and businesses will present best practices and implementation experiences. Digital home monitoring in the health and care sector is an area where the UK and Norway can greatly benefit from knowledge sharing and collaboration. And it is important – it never benefits patients and citizens to reinvent the wheel separately and in isolated processes, but tomorrow’s challenges can only be solved together.

  • We have space for 10 British companies and about 10 British representatives from the pubic healthcare sector – same if not more Norwegian attendees are expected.
  • In total 4 Norwegian and 4 British companies will be selected to showcase their solution in Oslo on the 29th of October.
  • Matchmaking will be organized between all participants, this is not only for the companies exhibiting

Why organizing Norwegian-British Health Demo Days?

UK and Norway’s healthcare systems share many similarities. Internationally, the Norwegian market is often a beacon in terms of organization, knowledge, skills, and strong values. What we have and what we succeed with is a product of skilled healthcare professionals and high ambitions to continuously improve quality, make future-oriented decisions, and renew the right elements when needed.

Despite a good starting point, the healthcare systems in both UK and Norway face significant challenges due to aging populations, more chronic diseases, and increased multi-morbidity. This requires renewal of organization, treatment, rehabilitation, and care, utilizing new technological and digital opportunities for home treatment more effectively to alleviate pressure on the sector without compromising quality and value for patients and citizens.

Both the UK and Norway have already many digital health solutions in place for precisely this purpose and more are on the way!

If you are interested in attending the event in Oslo, on the 29th and 30th October 2024, please register below.
