


september 2024

USA Export Resource Group: Helping companies take on the world’s biggest health market

The ambition of the resource group is to facilitate knowledge sharing and exchange between members to support companies and their scaling efforts in the US

After successfully establishing and facilitating Export Resource Groups for Germany, the UK and Sweden in 2023 and early 2024, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) and Norway Health Tech (NHT) will establish a new group for health companies targeting the US market.

The first meeting will take place on Wednesday, 4 September 2024, at 3pm CET. Participating in the USA Export Resource Group is free of charge for members of Norway Health Tech and/or the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster.


  • Welcome, Norway Health Tech (5 min)
  • Brief introduction by all participants (10 min)
  • Introduction to the US health system, Matthew Bergeron, Shareholder & Craig J. Lervick, Shareholder, Larkin Hoffman (15 min + 5 min QA)
  • Business Accelerator Resource Network, BARN – Visit and Matchmaking Event in Oslo, Sep 26th, Britt Ardakani, Director of Business and Outreach (5 min + QA)
  • Oivi As & the US market, Anders Eikenes, CEO & Co-founder (10 min + 5 min Q&A)
  • What’s on the US-Norway agenda this fall, Norway Health Tech (5 min)

Why the US market?

The United States stands at the forefront of health innovation, presenting immense opportunities. However, navigating this dynamic landscape requires strategic insights and support. For this reason, we believe that an USA Export Group will be highly beneficial to the Norwegian health eco-system and its ambitious export goals.

This USA Export Resource Group builds upon the work the 4 Norwegian health clusters, Oslo Science Cluster, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Life Science Cluster and Norway Health Tech started more than 2 years ago. As part of a project financed by former Viken Fylkeskommune, the first-ever collaboration amongst Norway’s health clusters, was dedicated to empowering Norwegian companies in their journey to the U.S. market. 

A road map for supporting Norwegian companies entering the US market was a specific result of this project.

We believe that establishing a USA Export Resource Group is an important next step when bringing more Norwegian innovation to the world’s leading health market.

About Export Resource Groups

The members of each Export Resource Group meet regularly to receive and give advice, provide input, share networks, competence, tips, and information about how to enter and expand in the US. The overarching goal is a stronger value creation for the Norwegian health tech industry overall. Aligned with the Norwegian government’s export goals for the health industry, Norway Health Tech believes that fostering closer collaboration among companies targeting the same market is a key factor for success.

All Resource Groups are led by the industry and external experts are invited to join the meetings to provide insights and share knowledge about selected topics.

Sign up here if you are interested in joining the USA Resource Group!

