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The project was funded by Innovation Norway, and is lead by Norway Health Tech in collaboration with Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, NTNU TTO, Validé, Inven2, VIS, NorInnova, 6AM and Aleap Incubator. Collectively, these organisations represent hundreds of health companies.

Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) investor community and the Norwegian Health Investor Network (NHIN)

This community aims to increase investment & collaboration between companies and the investor community as well as build investor engagement through transparent communication – enabling you to take your company to the next level.

We aim to attract a variety of investors to the NSCC community (and the overarching NHIN) including; VC's, family offices, Corporate VC's, Business Angels – and a diverse mixture of highly experienced professionals that can be mentors to the right companies.

Once fully onboarded with a presentable profile in the NSCC community, your company will also be exposed into the NHIN.

The community is powered by the Crowdworks solution. CrowdWorks is a fully GDPR-compliant SaaS platform built with best of breed secure principles and proven third party solutions that secures sensitive information is not shared or disclosed. For more information about the platform see

Key benefits:


  • Open the door to a wide range of interested relevant investors
  • Engagement and discussion opportunities with other fundraising innovators
  • Profile your company to peers in the industry
  • Stimulate and increase awareness of the health industry

Crowworks solution as a communication vehicle to your investors

  • Full data room capabilities
  • Unique professional company page
  • Share key information
  • Manage multiple stakeholders
  • Build relationship and trust

The registration and use of the Crowdworks solution in the NSCC/NHIN community is free of charge. If you decide to use Crowdworks as your platform to communicate with your company specific investors – it is free to use up to 5 specific investors. For more than 5 investors there is a monthly liscence fee to Crowdworks of 199.- nok. This is an exclusive offer to NSCC members (ordinary price is 799.- per month)

NHIN - background

The project was funded by Innovation Norway, and is lead by Norway Health Tech in collaboration with Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, NTNU TTO, Validé, Inven2, VIS, NorInnova, 6AM and Aleap Incubator. Collectively, these organisations represent hundreds of health companies.
