Varodd Velferdsteknologi AS

Ruth Kirsti Stie

Varodd Velferdsteknologi AS

We deliver quality aids that make everyday life easier for our customers.

Varodd has been a supplier of aids to Health Norway since 1963. We supply a wide range of products to Assistive Technology Centers, municipalities and hospitals.

Varodd Velferdsteknologi AS was established as a separate company on 1 October 2017 and is today a wholly owned subsidiary of Varodd AS.

Our main focus is to deliver quality products that can make everyday life easier for our customers. In our range, we have, for example, beds and furniture adapted for people with dementia. Products that make it possible for a caregiver to solve tasks where you previously had to be two caregivers.

We call it "two for one" products.

We work with manufacturers who develop innovative products in the area of ​​welfare technology, where the focus is on the challenges that our customers face in the coming years. We want to influence our customers to think holistically and long-term. Our products in welfare technology shall contribute to effective care, at the same time as health personnel shall be ensured a good working environment and less strain. And the patient's safety, dignity and comfort must be safeguarded.

Our goal is not to be the greatest, but to be the best. We are genuinely committed to delivering quality products to our customers.


Ny medlemsbedrift på Sørlandet

I midten av august i år etablerte Norwegian Smart Care Cluster et avdelingskontor i Agder. Nå har Tor Åge Fjukstad, vår mann i Agder, rekruttert avdelingens første medlemsbedriften.
