Bano AS

Daniel Nesse
95 97 87 60

Bano AS

Bano concept involves well planned placement for all of our products. To ensure the best possible functionality each product has been adapted and eveloped during several years of testing and use. In order to develop a bathroom that helps people with reduced functional abilities to achieve optimal movement within this space, Bano has been carrying out research into natural body movements for over five years. The result is a bathroom concept that gives the user security and independence.

Main points of Bano´s concept:

  • Functionality and flexiblity at all bathroom areas.
  • Increase quality of life: Improved functionality in the bathroom gives senior citizens a higher degree of security and independence.
  • Improved working environment: reducing strain on the caregiver.
  • Height adjustable toilets and washbasins can be height adapted to all users needs.
  • Bano grab bar support : strategically designed to “intuitive grab on” in case of body unbalance or lack of vision.



Selvstendighet på badet

- Vårt mantra er å utvikle produkter og løsninger av høyeste kvalitet som er tilpasset brukerne. I stedet for at brukeren skal tilpasse seg baderommet, tilpasser baderommet seg brukeren.

Bano 21
