Norges Frivilligsentraler

Etablert: 2016

Produkt/tilbud: InVi, Leve hele livet


Gijs Mans
988 17 952

Norges Frivilligsentraler (Norwegian voluntary centers)

NFS is a nationwide organization for all volunteer centers’ interest.

NFS as an organisation was established in 2016. The first 90 volunteer centers in Norway were established in 1991. Nowadays there are over 465 volunteer centers all around Norway. 97% of these are members of NFS.


  • contributes to the development of the voluntary centers as important welfare and social actors.
  • works for good conditions for the voluntary centers.
  • provides opportunities for competence development for everyone involved in the voluntary centers.
  • works towards making the volunteer centers more visible.
  • develops cooperation with relevant public agencies, and with voluntary organizations and associations. Volunteering should be an addition to the public sector, not a substitute.
  • is the common voice for the member centers.

Some concrete actions are: development of an IT system for voluntary centers (InVi), courses for new leaders in local centers, sending 1-2 newsletters each month, supportcenter for voluntary centers, letters of intent with other organizations like ‹‹Livsglede for eldre››, ‹‹Cycling without age -Norway›› and ‹‹Aktiv ung (NKBUF)››, and national political lobbying work.

NFS has a general manager, an active board and two project positions. One project employee is responsible for the project ‹‹Increasing integration at volunteer centers››, which is implemented with funds from IMDi. The other is project manager for ‹‹Leve hele livet››, who mobilizes and supports the voluntary centers so that they can participate in the work of putting the reform ‹‹Leve hele livet›› (Living your whole life) on the agenda in the municipalities, and help to implement activities locally.
