Friskus AS

Sigrid Nedkvitne
91 17 55 56

Friskus AS

We create the co-creation platform of the future for activity and participation!

The mainstay of the welfare community is that everyone contributes their resources and expertise into the local community. A population that is active, social and included is a productive population. Friskus' technology development is based on the premise that everyone needs friendship and gathers and develops in positive communities and learning arenas. Today's health and welfare challenges dictate that the community of trust, with its security, efficiency and quality of life, is in danger of being lost, and loneliness, exclusion and polarization are ultimately dangerous.

Friskus as is one of very few women-owned and women-run IT companies. They also have diversity in the investor group and in the board. Friskus as sells licenses to municipalities for the use of the IT platform and support services for implementation and change work in the public sector. Never before has a co-operation arena been created between the population, volunteers and municipalities in 1 common IT platform, where there is a place across departments, organizations and parts of the country. For the past 10 years, central guidelines and municipal plans have discussed the need for working models that the tool now makes possible. is an interactive activity calendar - a national activity network without advertising.

Residents of all ages get an easy overview of meaningful activity, events and volunteer assignments near them, and their own participation CV. Municipalities and voluntary / non-profit organizations can showcase their activity, coordinate, recruit and "connect", get a comprehensive overview and statistics, engage and collaborate internally, externally and with the population - in one place.


Vil bidra under krisen - gir vekk velferdsteknologi kostnadsfritt

– Friskus tilbyr en samlende kommunikasjonsplattform som også hjelper kommuner med å synliggjøre og koordinere frivillig bistand, sier gründer av Sigrid Petersson Nedkvitne.

Friskus Sigridpeterssonnedkvitne


Teknologi og frivillighet får en ny dimensjon med coronaviruset

Smart Care Cluster har flere medlemmer som tilbyr løsninger for frivillige tjenester. Utbruddet av coronaviruset har vist hvor viktige løsningene er for samfunnet. Er dette starten på en ny og bedre hverdag?



To topp10 IT-gründere i NSCC

To av Norwegian Smart Care Cluster sin IT-gründerkvinner er kåret til Norges 10 fremste teknologikvinner i kategorien «gründere» av NHO-forbundet Abelia og ODA-Nettverk.

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Frykter en epidemi av dårlig folkehelse

– Barn og unge må hjelpes inn i aktivitet og sosiale felleskap nå. Vi kan ikke vente på at pandemien skal gå over, sier Sigrid Petersson Nedkvitne. Hun vil se handling framfor bekymring, og ser at innovativ teknologi kan løse samfunnsutfordringen.

Friskus Sigridpeterssonnedkvitne


Det beste fra flere verdener: – Sammen skaper vi morgendagens trygge og bærekraftige lokalsamfunn

Fra koordinering av frivillighet og kulturkalender til velferdsplattform. Nå jobber team Friskus beinhardt for å skape trygge og bærekraftige lokalsamfunn, der inkludering er nøkkelen til suksess.

Sigird og Håkon 2
